How To Relieve Heartburn

I get really irritated by unnecessary pains. For example if I have a headache or a stomachache and there is no reason for it, and it has just come on randomly, I actually get angry for having the pointless pain. You wonder why you are suffering and it ruins your day. Last night I was suffering with severe heartburn. I tried to sleep it off so I couldn’t feel the pain anymore but when it hurts that much, it is impossible to get to sleep.

I frantically searched the web for quick cures and to my surprise there are several that actually worked for me. Not everyone’s bodies will react in the same way, but next time you are suffering with heartburn try these tips and see if they will work for you like they did with me:

1. Antacids don’t always work for me. But start off by taking one or two, such as Rennie. As these are the most common cure.

2. Take a spoonful of baking soda and mix it with a glass of water and drink. This helps neutralise stomach acid. This has worked most effectively with me.

3. Sit upright. This keeps the acid in the stomach and when laying down it will make the heartburn worse.

4. Drink a glass of milk. This will wash the acid down, and you will feel a cooling sensation, helping to ease the pain.

5. Eat a banana. This will raise the PH for stomach content and lower acidity levels.

6. Chewing a price of sugar free gum helps get rid of the acid build up.

I know these tips won’t help everyone, but give them a try next time you are suffering with heartburn and see what works for you.

Words Can Hurt

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me”

You know that saying?
It’s about being a strong person and not letting people put you down, but even if you are the strongest minded person in the world, there are still people that can hurt you.
Words hurt.
It’s sad but it’s true. People who don’t think before they speak can hurt you without even realising that they have done it.
All it takes is for someone to make a comment or a joke that you either take the wrong way, or too personally.
We’ve all done it, I make jokes with people, and they can laugh it off, but deep down their offended by what I said, and I don’t even know it because I was too careless with my words.
Someone I know recently saw me eating a big meal, and tried to ‘make a joke’ by saying that I will only go and make myself sick afterwards because I am watching my weight.
What they didn’t know was that, although I have never been bulimic, I had suffered with anorexia for years, and am now finally on the right track.
I am trying to put weight on, and look after myself, but I just can’t seem to gain weight.
For someone to make a joke like that, it may seem funny to them and they didn’t mean it horribly, and it wasn’t a personal attack; that’s what it felt like..
I went into a state of depression, and what they said really put me down.
I thought to myself ‘is that what everyone is thinking when they see me eat?’
Do they really think that’s what I do?
Because that is so far from the truth..

It is so easy to be careless with words, and I think we all should think before we speak, because we don’t know people’s pasts and what they have been through; so put yourself in the other persons shoes, and think of how you would feel if that was you.

“Be careful with your words, once said they can only be forgiven not forgotten”


I found myself reading a blog the other night about the strangest injuries people have ever had.

It made me think about my younger years and some of the stuff that I had done.

1. I remember curling my hair one day when I dropped the curling iron onto my bare leg.. The pain was unreal.. And to top it off it for some reason it left a fish shaped burn which I had to walk around with for months

2. I was making myself some tea and toast, and as I reached over to get the toast out, the kettle clicked and the steam burnt the whole of my left forearm..
It was horrendous and I had to sleep in the bathroom with my arm in a bath full of cold water because every time I took it out, it hurt so bad where the air would hit it.
It melted my skin away and eventually scabbed over, and just as it was healing the skin was very loose and infected and I remember crossing the road with my nan and a car came out of nowhere, so she grabbed my poor arm and yanked me across the road, and was left with the disgusting-ness of my arm skin in her hand, whilst I had to wait weeks for it to heal over again.

3. When I was in year 8 at school we used to play ‘piggy back races’ as I’m sure you can picture..
One time I was on my friends back who was quite tall and she dropped me whilst running and I landed on my left shoulder and it dislocated..
I was in so much shock I couldn’t feel the pain at first, I just remember my friends backing away and one of them was actually sick at the sight of my arm awkwardly hanging out of its socket.
To make matters worse when I told my parents they didn’t believe me and called me a drama queen!
Months went past before they finally took me to the doctors who was shocked how I managed to cope with it for so long.
They referred me to hospital where they said they would try to physically tape it back into place!
Whoever heard of such a thing!
Well they done that and the pain was even worse than when I dislocated it! It only lasted an hour from me leaving the hospital before I had to ask my mum to rip the tape off, yanking my arm out of the socket again.
Oh wow it was a horrible experience! In the end I had to do months worth of physio therapy which helped slightly but to this day my arm still is not in place properly.

Vegetarianism/ My Battle


I was a chubby child, not too extreme but I was bigger than the average. I used to snack endlessly when I could get away with it, and fill myself up on my Nan’s big dinners. On days out with my dad we would pig out on McDonald’s, and I was addicted to cheeseburgers. My dad actually nicknamed me ‘cheeseburger head’ for years.
When I stayed with my nan, every morning I would be awoken with a bacon sandwich.
Family’s meals out, I would order as much meat as I could..

One Sunday when I was ten my mum was cooking roast beef dinner, I remember how much I was looking forward to it.
Whilst waiting for dinner I was watching the program ‘kill it cook it eat it’ which happened to be on.
I watched the people on the program hang a cow upside down, slice it’s stomach open and pull it’s guts out whilst the cow was still alive.

From that moment my whole thought process on what I was eating changed, I sat and watched whilst a burger was made and I saw the remains of the cow rot away.
When dinner was ready I looked at my plate, pushed it away and said “no thanks mum, I will never eat meat again as long as I live”
No one supported me in my decision as they felt it wouldn’t last due to my eating routine before this moment.

9 years went past where I didn’t give meat a second thought, don’t get me wrong cutting meat out of my diet and the complete change made me severely ill. I lost over 4 stone during this period, and I became gaunt and freakishly skinny. I used to faint at school constantly and always felt run down and had no energy. I became anemic due to lack of iron, and my bones became weaker.

At first I took the loss of weight as a positive, and ended up cutting more and more food out of my diet, until the point I was diagnosed with an eating disorder and couldn’t cope with daily life.
I got help and in time I managed to regain a healthy diet and weight and I felt a lot better in myself, the support of my friends made me realise what I was doing, and without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.

My point is, the media scares me. It can influence you in so many ways and you won’t even realise it until it’s too late.

To whoever is reading this, you are perfect the way you are and only you can look after yourself, do it, before things get out of control like they did with me.

Look after yourself!
