Take A Vote!!

Hello all!

As you can see I haven’t posted in a long longggg time..

The past year has been pretty mad and I now have my head in the game to get back into blogging.

I am going to create a new blog on womens lifestyle and I would really appreciate if you guys could take the time to click the link below and vote on a new blog name for me…

Thank you so much in advance!!


Help Me Choose A Blog Name!

Check Out My New Blog!

Hello all!

I have created a whole new blog over at laurenslittlelists.wordpress.com this new blog will consist entirely of the lists that I create and I hope you can all enjoy them! I would really appreciate if you could take the time to check my new blog out and even follow it!

Thank you so much!!

Advice For Models

Hello everyone!

Today I would like to share my post on advice for new models, or people thinking about getting into the modelling industry.

I have been modelling for a few months now and have taken on many paid commercial shoots, extras work and other assignments.

Believe me, being a model is no easy ride. It can involve working unsociable hours, working with people who aren’t the kindest, travelling quite far, and dealing with difficult people. And of course I have to make sure I always eat healthy and look after my body and skin!

Breaking into the modelling industry seems impossible for models who are just starting. You know that it is something you have dreamt of doing, but how do you get into it?

My tips for getting started are:

1. Find out what type of modelling you would like to do. Would you like to do fashion modelling? Catalogue? Or even TV and film? Choose something you are comfortable with as knowing what category you wish to do is a huge step.

2. Create a portfolio. It doesn’t have to be huge, it just needs to include a variety of images, showing you naturally without make up, as well as close up. It is also a good idea to include a black and white image, a photo of you in your own clothes and every day make up, showing your personality, and you in a style which is out of your comfort zone, such as a grunge style, or trying out a simple, elegant look.
It is always a good idea to make an appointment with a photographer and stylist, to get your images taken by a professional, and your hair and make up done professionally.
This will show the contrast of your look, and how you can adapt for various shoots. It is good to have a CD made of your photos so you can apply to jobs easily online, and also a paper portfolio, with your images printed and presented in a book so you can take to castings. Do not spend loads of money! Once you have a few images that are awesome, you can take part in TFP shoots (Time for print) which means you can meet up with photographers and get photos done, and they give you the photos for free, as long as they can use the images for their portfolio. This is a good idea for the beginning of your modelling career as it gives you experience and you don’t have to pay out.

3. If you want to go freelance, search for casting and booking platforms that you can join up too. Or if you want to be put forward for jobs without searching for them, then sign up to an agency.

4. Be yourself. It is completely normal to be nervous, but try and relax, and remember how much you want this. The camera will spot your fear a mile off, so take a deep breath and remember to breathe. When going to castings, enjoy it! Live for the moment and let the camera see how much you are enjoying yourself. This will go a long way.

5. Always tell someone where you are going, and don’t be afraid to ask the director if you can bring someone along with you.

I am still only just starting my modelling career, but I have already had many experiences good and bad, so wish you all the best, and remember to be safe!

When Did You Feel Grown Up?

When does the time come when we wake up one day and feel like an adult..

I remember living at home and I used to pretty much live within the four walls of my bedroom. My mum used to call me horizontal Hetti as I was always lying down watching TV in bed. I would never get up and do anything unless I was going out because I had too.

I thought maybe once I left college, left home and started working full time I would feel grown up. But it doesn’t feel like it’s got to that point yet.

I still have mood swings and can throw tantrums and sometimes I just want to build a den and hide there instead of going to work.

But some people never feel grown up. I guess the responsibilities of having kids or getting married can make a big difference but who knows?

I know many people in there 40’s/50’s plus who are much more immature than I am, and act like massive kids. And it’s great! They are just being themselves and aren’t worried about fitting in with society’s expectations of behaviour. 

I still feel very young but that can change depending on who I am with at the time.

I wonder if we ever feel ‘grown up’..

The Real Neat Blog Award

So I have been nominated for the ‘Real Neat Blog Award’ by Dear Kitty thank you so much for my nomination! Every blog award I receive means so much to me, it really does!

The rules for this nomination are as follows:

1. Put the award logo on your blog.

2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

The seven questions I was asked are:

1. Where do most visits to your blog come from?

America, I get quite a lot of views on particular posts, but most of them definitely come from America.

2. What is your favourite sport?

Boxing! I have always been a big fan of this sport as it is something I took part in for many years.

3. What has been a special moment for you in 2014?

I don’t open up about myself too much on my blog, but I will be honest and say that finally being able to say goodbye to daily care from mental health services, and finally being in a good state of mind, and able to get on with life and deal with things properly.

4. What is your favourite quote?

‘You were born original, don’t be a copy’

5. What was your favourite class when still at school?

ICT. I used to love messing around with computers and being able to quickly pick up learning the internet.

6. Anything you had wished to have learned earlier?

That life is what you make it, and if you want something you have to go out and get it, without relying on others. If you work hard it will eventually pay off in the end.

7. What musical instrument have you tried to play?

The piano. I had a piano as a child and taught myself to play from the age of 7. I could play many melodies such as Moonlight Sonata and many others.

I nominate:

Hannah Gale

Sophie Speaks Up

O Loriel Moon Shadow

Persia Karema


My Fashion And Beauty Tales

Jon Beckett

My seven questions are:

1. If you could meet any celebrity who would it be?

2. Where does your biggest inspiration come from?

3. What is your favourite store?

4. What country would you most like to visit?

5. If you could only have one of other drink (other than water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?

6. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

7. If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?

Age Confusions

Okay guys..

I am 20 years old, and the people who know me say I act like I’m in my late twenties but look 17.. Unfortunately I do have the typical ‘baby face’ but then some people I don’t know that well, think I am 6 years older, because my boyfriend is 26 and they just assume we are the same age.

But what I can’t get my head around is.. Why do I keep getting mistaken for my sisters mum?

Okay so there is a 9 year gap between my sister and I. I was only 10 when she was born, from the age of 15-16 whenever I take her out, I seem to be thrown disapproving looks; and on several occasions I have had people say to me either ‘too many kids having kids these days’ or ‘wow you must have had really bad parents, if you’ve had a kid so young’


How can I look like her mother? I have such a baby face and am not in any way ‘mother like’ are these people delusional? How can they make this mistake?

The fact this has happened so many times really shocks me.

Me and my sister look nothing alike and it is physically impossible for me to get away with being her mum. What I fell pregnant at the age of 9? Come on people. 

Not many people believe I am older than I am because I look so young, so how people can keep making this mistake is beyond me.

Another thing that I find quite funny is that I can’t go out with my dad without people assuming we are a couple.

My dad is in his early fourties and we will meet up for a drink every other week, and I can guarantee that every time we go to a pub, someone will make the assumption we are a couple. For example we met up at a pub just last week, and a guy came over and asked if we would play pool with them as they wanted to play doubles. Without even thinking they guy just said ‘would you and your wife like to play with us’

Excuse me?! 

Me and my dad looked at each other, and burst out laughing. The element of shock went out the window a long time ago, because as I said, this has happened before. My dad then told the guy that in actual fact I was his daughter, and the guy had to pick his jaw up from the ground. He couldn’t believe it. He apologised over and over and said he just assumed we were a couple because we were on our own having a drink.

Holy moley!

I am beyond confused..

My Ultimate March Playlist!

I am a huge fan of dance/trance tracks, and often burn my own CD’s to play in the car.

Here is a list of my all time favourite tracks that I have come across in March 2015.

If you haven’t heard these yet, I would recommend giving them a listen!

1. I Can’t Stop Drinking About You (Chain Smokers remix)

2. Faded – Zhu

3. Julian (Chain Smokers temix)

4. Wasting My Young Years (Sound Remedy remix)

5. I Loved You – Blonde ft Melissa Steel

6. Cast A Spell – Blonde vs PianoMan

7. Rumours – Pep and Rash

8. Can’t Stop Playing – Oliver Heldens

9. They Don’t Know – Disciples

10. King – Years And Years

11. GDFR – Flo Rida

12. Sleep (Conrad Hills remix)

13. Pray To God – Calvin Harris

These are awesome tunes to play in the car, and to listen to when your out and about!

Feeling More Comfortable With Strangers Than Friends

I would like to know if anyone shares the same opinion as me on this topic. Sometimes feeling less awkward and more confident with strangers than people you know.

I model part time, and spend my weekends travelling to meet new photographers and spend the day doing a Photoshoot. Even though I consider myself quite socially awkward, when it comes to being in front of the camera, I am not shy or uncomfortable at all. 

But if a friend or a family member was to try and take a photo of me, I would immediately cover my face and feel really uncomfortable. 

I’ve never quite figured out why this is.

The only suggestion I came up with, is that when I meet new people such as photographers etc.. I know that it is not likely I will see them again, so I make the most of the time I have and try to get the best out of the shoot. I don’t worry about feeling judged because I know they are looking at the way I am presented and not my personality. 

But when someone I know goes to take a photo, I think ‘am I coming across too confident?’ And fear that they feel I am vain.

With people I don’t know, I don’t care what they think as much, because they don’t really know my personality and can’t sum me up in that one day.

I feel that the people close to you may hold grudges and every action you do will be remembered.

For example I once witnessed a friend who is usually quiet, flip out and get really angry, and now I do everything I can to make sure I don’t upset them, even though they are a lovely person. 

Sometimes once you have seen a different side to someone you know, you associate that with their normal behaviour and it will always stick in your mind.

With strangers, you don’t know them well enough to judge them, so can be yourself.

Blog Post Ideas

Have you ever had trouble thinking of a new post to write?
You want to connect and share with your fellow bloggers and capture people’s attention, but what could you possibly blog about?

I have had this feeling before and here are 16 of the ideas I came up with:

1. Share your personal review on a new product you have tried. Be it a drink or a food that you have never tried before, a new make up item or hair product, or a new brand you have come across. Or have you just bought that amazing dress or pair of shoes you have wanted for ages? Snap a photo and post it on your blog with a review and where you bought it from. Share with others and leave them feeling inspired!

2. Do you regret doing anything in your life? Or do you regret not doing something? Think about this, and maybe by sharing your story you can reach out to others and make them question their own lives and give them the inspiration they need to make changes.

3. Have you ever looked back on your childhood or your teenage years and wish you could tell your younger self a thing or two?
For example, you may not have paid much attention in school and are paying for it now. Write yourself a letter to the past, of what you wish you had done, amend what changes you can.

4. What do you miss? Are you bored of working a full time job that doesn’t interest you in the slightest? Do you miss school? Friends that you have drifted apart from? Or a TV show that you loved? Share your missed treasures with others!

5. Are there any tips and useful hints that you have picked up on over the years? Such as a healthy diet, a good hair treatment, or things to keep your smile a shining white? People are always looking for cures and remedies for everyday problems. Me especially! Helps others out by sharing your wisdom! I’m sure people will greatly appreciate this and may recommend your posts to friends!

6. Have you had an interview that went horrifically wrong? Or an event that didn’t entirely go to plan? Is there something that seemed awful at the time but you can now look back on and laugh? Give people something to read, and I’m sure there are people out there who can relate to your experiences!

7. Write a diary entry or a letter to your future self. Include your goals and expectations and where you think you will be in 10 or so years to come. You can look back on this when the time comes and see if your life turned out the way you thought it would.

8. Is there a shop that you absolutely love and you buy pretty much everything from? Give them some love! Write a blog post expressing how much you love and appreciate this shop! Share some photos of you with your new items, such as you wearing a new top etc.. Email the company to let them know about your blog post and your recommendation, and who knows.. You may get a voucher or a freebie from them!

9. Write a ten or twenty something list. These have proven popular with me. For example you could write a list on ’20 things that happen as an early teen’ or ’10 thoughts you had when starting a new job’ these types of blog posts, get people’s attention because they can be easily related to. People of a similar age to you can come across it and think ‘this is so me!’ They will then share the link with their friends, and then your post will gain more and more views.

10. Think random! Write a post which is weird and wonderful, such as ‘if you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you be?’ Explain your answer in detail, and ask readers to comment what their answer would be. This will start up a discussion, and you can meet new bloggers!

11. Write a guide to post. I have previously written a post called ‘Your Simple Guide To Happiness’ this guide included things that you can do to help make you happier. These are things that I do often and have worked for me. Make your own guide. It could be from ‘A guide to getting through uni’ to ‘A guide to fulfilling your dream’ make it your own!

12. Is there a fellow blogger who you check out for inspiration? Or someone that you never miss an update from? Write a post saying why you like this persons style and link to their blog. This person may re-blog and link back to your site, and you can gain views from their followers.

13. Are you a master of applying the fiddly pests which are false eyelashes? Or can you put liquid eyeliner on perfectly first time? Well I can assure you I can do neither! Bit if you are lucky enough to be perfect at this, take a before and after photo explaining how you did it. People are always looking to master the art of make up; and are searching for quick tutorials on the web every day.

14. Or better yet! Why not make a vlog? I think that’s what it’s called.. Isn’t it?
Make a short video of your tutorial. Show how you put on your foundation evenly and make your skin look flawless. Believe me, this is what people want to see.

15. Come across a quote that really inspired you? I come across new quotes every day, and it’s only the rare few that I take in and fall in love with. My initial thoughts are then – what can I do with this quote? Add it to a photo? Print it out? Stick it on my wall? Share it on twitter? I just know I need to get it out there. Look for new quotes or if you come across a great one, then be creative with it!

16. Heard something funny recently that tickled you so much, you nearly laughed your pants off? Share the laughter. Explain how you came to hear something so funny, and bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

Think about things you search the web for, and how many posts come up with brilliant tips and advice.

Make your own posts, as there will always be many people out there that need your opinion. If people agree with you and your opinions, then they are more likely to come back again and view your latest posts, as they will take a liking to your style. Get your personality seen through the way you write and you are guaranteed returning bloggers!

Colour Me March

What is Colour Me March?

“In 2015 Cheltenham Racecourse is looking to bring colour to The Festival. From hats to shoes, to scarves to nails, it’s all about colour on Ladies Day. For the first time ever colour at The Festival will be celebrated and judged via social media only.”

I am so excited that the weather is getting warmer, so I don’t have to wear a million and one layers now!

Unfortunately due to work I can’t attend this event which I am gutted about!

But if I did attend this is what I would wear:

These items are from H&M which I am a huge fan of!

I would complete this outfit with a pair of brown jewelled sandals and a cute little shoulder bag.

You can find out more about his awesome event here!

You can also follow #ColourMeMarch on twitter for the latest news and updates and even find inspiration for your own outfit!

Remember this event is on the 11th March! Why not check it out?

Whilst I’m here, I may as well share this site that I came across recently – innovative licensing & promotion, inc. They have great tips and advice for selling your invention and methods of marketing and I found it really useful!