Take A Vote!!

Hello all!

As you can see I haven’t posted in a long longggg time..

The past year has been pretty mad and I now have my head in the game to get back into blogging.

I am going to create a new blog on womens lifestyle and I would really appreciate if you guys could take the time to click the link below and vote on a new blog name for me…

Thank you so much in advance!!


Help Me Choose A Blog Name!

Blog Post Ideas

Have you ever had trouble thinking of a new post to write?
You want to connect and share with your fellow bloggers and capture people’s attention, but what could you possibly blog about?

I have had this feeling before and here are 16 of the ideas I came up with:

1. Share your personal review on a new product you have tried. Be it a drink or a food that you have never tried before, a new make up item or hair product, or a new brand you have come across. Or have you just bought that amazing dress or pair of shoes you have wanted for ages? Snap a photo and post it on your blog with a review and where you bought it from. Share with others and leave them feeling inspired!

2. Do you regret doing anything in your life? Or do you regret not doing something? Think about this, and maybe by sharing your story you can reach out to others and make them question their own lives and give them the inspiration they need to make changes.

3. Have you ever looked back on your childhood or your teenage years and wish you could tell your younger self a thing or two?
For example, you may not have paid much attention in school and are paying for it now. Write yourself a letter to the past, of what you wish you had done, amend what changes you can.

4. What do you miss? Are you bored of working a full time job that doesn’t interest you in the slightest? Do you miss school? Friends that you have drifted apart from? Or a TV show that you loved? Share your missed treasures with others!

5. Are there any tips and useful hints that you have picked up on over the years? Such as a healthy diet, a good hair treatment, or things to keep your smile a shining white? People are always looking for cures and remedies for everyday problems. Me especially! Helps others out by sharing your wisdom! I’m sure people will greatly appreciate this and may recommend your posts to friends!

6. Have you had an interview that went horrifically wrong? Or an event that didn’t entirely go to plan? Is there something that seemed awful at the time but you can now look back on and laugh? Give people something to read, and I’m sure there are people out there who can relate to your experiences!

7. Write a diary entry or a letter to your future self. Include your goals and expectations and where you think you will be in 10 or so years to come. You can look back on this when the time comes and see if your life turned out the way you thought it would.

8. Is there a shop that you absolutely love and you buy pretty much everything from? Give them some love! Write a blog post expressing how much you love and appreciate this shop! Share some photos of you with your new items, such as you wearing a new top etc.. Email the company to let them know about your blog post and your recommendation, and who knows.. You may get a voucher or a freebie from them!

9. Write a ten or twenty something list. These have proven popular with me. For example you could write a list on ’20 things that happen as an early teen’ or ’10 thoughts you had when starting a new job’ these types of blog posts, get people’s attention because they can be easily related to. People of a similar age to you can come across it and think ‘this is so me!’ They will then share the link with their friends, and then your post will gain more and more views.

10. Think random! Write a post which is weird and wonderful, such as ‘if you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you be?’ Explain your answer in detail, and ask readers to comment what their answer would be. This will start up a discussion, and you can meet new bloggers!

11. Write a guide to post. I have previously written a post called ‘Your Simple Guide To Happiness’ this guide included things that you can do to help make you happier. These are things that I do often and have worked for me. Make your own guide. It could be from ‘A guide to getting through uni’ to ‘A guide to fulfilling your dream’ make it your own!

12. Is there a fellow blogger who you check out for inspiration? Or someone that you never miss an update from? Write a post saying why you like this persons style and link to their blog. This person may re-blog and link back to your site, and you can gain views from their followers.

13. Are you a master of applying the fiddly pests which are false eyelashes? Or can you put liquid eyeliner on perfectly first time? Well I can assure you I can do neither! Bit if you are lucky enough to be perfect at this, take a before and after photo explaining how you did it. People are always looking to master the art of make up; and are searching for quick tutorials on the web every day.

14. Or better yet! Why not make a vlog? I think that’s what it’s called.. Isn’t it?
Make a short video of your tutorial. Show how you put on your foundation evenly and make your skin look flawless. Believe me, this is what people want to see.

15. Come across a quote that really inspired you? I come across new quotes every day, and it’s only the rare few that I take in and fall in love with. My initial thoughts are then – what can I do with this quote? Add it to a photo? Print it out? Stick it on my wall? Share it on twitter? I just know I need to get it out there. Look for new quotes or if you come across a great one, then be creative with it!

16. Heard something funny recently that tickled you so much, you nearly laughed your pants off? Share the laughter. Explain how you came to hear something so funny, and bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

Think about things you search the web for, and how many posts come up with brilliant tips and advice.

Make your own posts, as there will always be many people out there that need your opinion. If people agree with you and your opinions, then they are more likely to come back again and view your latest posts, as they will take a liking to your style. Get your personality seen through the way you write and you are guaranteed returning bloggers!

Your Simple Guide To Happiness

We all struggle to feel good about ourselves from time to time, so I have come up with a list of things we can do to make things seem a bit more positive. It’s not all bad you know..

1. Boost your confidence.

The first week of the month, is always worrying as we set ourselves expectations for the month ahead, and it seems like a mission to get there. Instead of worrying about things to come, look at what you achieved last month, and the problems you have overcome. Be it a row with your boss that you managed to get over, something that has annoyed you that you managed to move on from, getting over a fear or worry that you had, or reaching a goal that has taken you a while to achieve. There is always something that you can be proud of.

2. Spend wisely. 

Yay! It’s payday! But before you do your usual, of spending it on all the latest clothes and accessories and blowing your wages within the first week. Do something good for you. Get a facial or a massage, treat yourself to a new hair cut or colour; or go out for a meal with friends and socialise. Surveys have shown that people who spend their money on socialising with friends or their partner, do not regret wasting that money, as they have got an experience out of it. Those who waste it all on clothes, look back at the end of the month and regret spending that money.

3. Plan a holiday.

We ALL need a break. Even if you just go away for a weekend, or spend one week away. It gives you a well deserved break, time to relax, and something to look forward to throughout the year. Search for cheap deals online, and you can get a real bargain!

4. Find some you time.

You don’t have to spend every night with your loved one. Set aside an evening here and there where you can do what you want to do. Download a fitness app, do some exercises, or download a meditation app where you will be at peace, and feel completely relaxed and positive after.

5. Post something positive.

The majority of us all have an Instagram or a Facebook account that we post on now and again. Instead of trying to grab attention by posting something negative, and waiting for the comments to roll in; post something nice. Something you are looking forward to, a photo or a quote that makes you happy. Just something to show your not all doom and gloom.

6. Get cosy.

It’s getting colder. Grab yourself a faux fur blanket, a thick fleecy dressing gown, or something made out of cashmere wool. Textures that are soft have been found to be emotionally comforting, so grab yourself a cup of tea, stock up and snuggle up!

7. Keep tidy. 

I know. It can be hard to find the time to keep your bedroom tidy. But making your bed every morning, bringing the cups down when you have finished with them, and picking up your socks from the middle of the floor, will save time when you get in from work, and you can just relax without wasting your evening picking up clutter. Having control of the little things in our lives, helps us to feel more in charge just generally.

8. Get shaking.

This is funner than you think! When we are stressed out, the neurones in our brain are messed up, but if you shake yourself about, it will trigger a relaxation response. So dance around to your favourite song! Bounce around, and shake your arms and legs! Trust me, it will bring a positive impact!

9. Give yourself some vitamins.

Lacking energy? Feel drained and tired? You are probably lacking in vitamins. Make an appointment with your doctor to find out what vitamins you are lacking in, and buy some tablets. It could be B12 you need, Vitamin C, or even Zinc. If you can’t get these vitamins from the food you eat, then it is important you are getting in some other way, such as taking these supplements.

10. Be kind to a stranger.

Is there someone standing on the bus or train because there are no seats left? Offer them yours! Are there homeless people that you walk past every day, without giving them a second look? Give them your spare change, or buy them a coffee! Most people will really appreciate your generosity and it will put a smile on your face aswell as theirs! Give yourself a reason to feel proud!

11. Put your health first.

Every now and then, swap that chocolate bar for a piece of fruit, and that glass of coke for a glass of water. This will benefit you in so many ways, such as improving your skin, giving you more energy, and feeling better all round.

12. Go for a jog one evening. 

It’s amazing how going for a run can put you in such a good mood. Yes it’s hard if you have never done it before, but start slowly and push yourself, and you will come back aching, but feeling good! You feel like you have done something worthwhile, and can sit back and relax when you get in, feeling  good about yourself, and your frame of mind will be more positive than before! Really!

13. Keep a diary. 

It’s been proven that we remember negative things more than the positive, and this is such a shame. Keeping a diary, will help you to remember the good things that have happened, and when you are feeling down you can look back through it and read memories that will bring a smile to your face.

14. Have a duvet day.

What a brilliant idea, I hear you say! We all love being lazy now and again, so one weekend spend a day doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Yep, zero, zilch. Stay in bed and have a day of watching your favourite films, surfing the web on your laptop, or chilling to music. It will help you to completely relax, and you go back to work feeling like you have actually had break for once!

15. Get some fresh air.

Put on your winter jacket and boots, and go outside for a walk. You don’t have to be out for long, but getting just 20 minutes of fresh air, will help to clear your mind. Also there are always things to see along the way, be it a beautiful sky or flowers if your into nature, and you can always snap a few photos of your sights.

16. Clear out your wardrobe.

Admit it. You have waaay more clothes than you need, and you haven’t worn half of them in years! Get them out and sort out what you don’t want anymore. Give them to charity or sell them! You will have a lot more free room in your wardrobe, and it won’t be so stressful finding an outfit as you can actually see what you have.

How To Relieve Heartburn

I get really irritated by unnecessary pains. For example if I have a headache or a stomachache and there is no reason for it, and it has just come on randomly, I actually get angry for having the pointless pain. You wonder why you are suffering and it ruins your day. Last night I was suffering with severe heartburn. I tried to sleep it off so I couldn’t feel the pain anymore but when it hurts that much, it is impossible to get to sleep.

I frantically searched the web for quick cures and to my surprise there are several that actually worked for me. Not everyone’s bodies will react in the same way, but next time you are suffering with heartburn try these tips and see if they will work for you like they did with me:

1. Antacids don’t always work for me. But start off by taking one or two, such as Rennie. As these are the most common cure.

2. Take a spoonful of baking soda and mix it with a glass of water and drink. This helps neutralise stomach acid. This has worked most effectively with me.

3. Sit upright. This keeps the acid in the stomach and when laying down it will make the heartburn worse.

4. Drink a glass of milk. This will wash the acid down, and you will feel a cooling sensation, helping to ease the pain.

5. Eat a banana. This will raise the PH for stomach content and lower acidity levels.

6. Chewing a price of sugar free gum helps get rid of the acid build up.

I know these tips won’t help everyone, but give them a try next time you are suffering with heartburn and see what works for you.

Our Voices Have Been Heard!

I previously wrote a post about ‘Rethink Campaign’ and how I participated with many others by writing a letter to Monitor (the watchdog for health funding) to try and stop it’s plan to cut funds for mental health. I received a thank you letter from Lara Carmona, and today received another letter which states this:

Dear Lauren,

Thank you once again for taking part in our Monitor this! campaign. We have great news!

Your action has helped bring Monitor to the table! You were one of 6,700 amazing people who e-mailed Monitor about funding plans, and they were blown away by your response to their consultation. They have now asked to meet with us next Monday to specifically discuss what you shared. We will repeat again what you have already said: our mental health services have been unfairly underfunded for years and it is time to turn that around. Of course we’ll keep you updated about their final decision – we’re expecting that to be published in the next few weeks – and in the meantime we’ll keep up the pressure up on your behalf.

On that note, our next wave of campaigning will soon kick off, to make sure those in charge of mental health spending make the right decisions and increase funding. Again, success depends on even more people taking action, so I hope you’ll take part and spread the word. I’ll be in touch soon to let you know how you can get involved.

Meanwhile, well done on being part of an unprecedented success so far!

With many thanks,

Lara Carmona
Associate Director – Campaigns & Policy

This is such good news, and I am happy our voices have finally been heard. I am so passionate about this topic because I have been in the situation where I have needed help, and without funding for mental health services, I wouldn’t have had that help and I wouldn’t be where I am today. There are so many people out there that are suffering with a mental illness, and they are just not getting that help. Either they are too afraid to ask for it, or they have gone out and tried to get help but have been ignored. It breaks my heart as I wish I could help others like myself and let them know that they are not alone. If we all come together and raise our opinions then one day we will be taken seriously and funding for mental health will not be taken as a joke, and people will get the help they need.

Are You Indecisive?

We all have our moments don’t we. I genuinely do not know anyone that is more indecisive than myself. It is awful. I’ll go the shop to get a drink, and find myself in front of shelves and shelves of different items, and not know which one to choose.

Even I fancy something in particular like a coke, I will see the selection of many other drinks and panic. I will scan my eyes over all the other choices, and umm and ahh for what feels like forever until I just have to make a choice. (Either my lunch break is running out, or I am in people’s way)
I honestly just can’t make up my mind. It gets worse when I feel pressured, like if I don’t have a lot of time. My eyes just dart around and I end up picking up the nearest thing and then walking out of the shop disappointed that I didn’t get something else.
When I talk to my friends about it they all say they are exactly the same so that’s a comfort at least.
I think we all do it from time to time.

If I think that’s bad enough, you can imagine what I am like with actual real decisions. This time last year I had two job offers. I have never felt more panicked and anxious in my life. I had to decide what I wanted within two days, whilst giving up my job at the time. I handed in my notice to get that out of the way, and then I sat down and wrote out all the pros and cons of each job I had been offered. It was hard but in the end I went with my gut and accepted the job I am currently in. I knew I had made the right decision straight away (thank god!) but for that short period of time I was trying to decide it was unbearable.

What I have learnt with decision making is to ask yourself:

1. ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ That can help to put your mind at ease and make you feel more relaxed about the situation in hand.

2. Don’t think about everybody else and what they would say. This is your decision and go with your gut instinct or whatever you feel is the right answer. Thinking about others reactions will make the decision longer and more difficult, because your need to please others will be put before your own feelings.

3. Try not to think too much. The first thing that pops into your head, is normally what you will end up going with. If you think too much then loads of other things will pop into your head leaving you with too many choices and possible answers, and it will be impossible to choose.

Thinking too long about something is usually the reason that it doesn’t get done. It also shows a lack of confidence. That you are not strong enough to make your own decisions.

So don’t overthink too much! ☺️

Rethink Campaign

I would like to talk about a subject that is very personal to me. And that is mental health. I couldn’t count the amount of times, I have been depressed, anxious or paranoid, and others have told me to just ‘change my way of thinking’ or ‘snap out of it’ I don’t wish to share my diagnosis and my story at the moment; but I have been involved with mental health professionals for several years. And if it wasn’t for them, I don’t think I ever would have seen a light at the end of the tunnel.

Mental illness is so overlooked. And that really upsets me. If someone had a broken arm or a physical illness, then they receive sympathy, and because it is physically visible people notice. Mental illness is not always visible. People can’t always see what’s going on behind the exterior we put on. We’re not asking for sympathy, just for understanding and support. Imagine if someone had cancer and somebody said to them ‘it’s just cancer, stop thinking like that and you’ll be fine’ it just wouldn’t happen. So many people that have a mental illness are not believed, and are made out to be an ‘attention seeker’ and are made to feel that we are making it up and that we actually want to feel this way. This is so far from the truth. We don’t want to feel like this! It makes getting through each day so difficult, and without support and understanding it is impossible. We shouldn’t be made to feel like we can just change instantly. It is hard enough accepting the fact that we are not like everybody else and can’t think the same way, let alone with people putting us down even more and just laughing at us. It’s not fair. Society needs to change the way it views mental illnesses and stop ignoring it.

I was recently contacted and asked to sign a petition regarding stopping cuts to mental health services. This is the email I wrote to them:

Dear Monitor,

As a member of the public with an interest in the provision of mental health services, I am writing in response to the current consultation on the National Tariff Payment System 2015/16.

I would like to express my strong objection to the way the prices for mental health services next year have been calculated. Your consultation document says ‘We are setting a single efficiency factor for 2015/16 of 3.8%… based on data from acute providers, which suggested that this level of efficiency is achievable for the sector as a whole.’ (section 2.2.1, page p.83).

This means that crucial funding decisions about mental health services are being made without the right information. It is impossible to accurately assess the impact of these cuts from assumptions based on hospitals and other services. I believe these flawed methods will have a damaging affect on my local mental health services.

I am working full time and am currently seeing mental health professionals. I am trying my best to cope with daily life and am only doing this with the help of a mental health team. Making cuts would leave me back at square one.

These proposals are not fair and I would ask you to stop and reconsider your calculations. Mental health services are already struggling compared to other services and need significant investment, not blanket cuts. That is how we will achieve a truly fair system for mental health services.

Best wishes,

Lauren Green

This email was also sent to Lara Carmona. The associate director of Rethink Campaigns. This is the response I got.

Dear Lauren,

Thank you so much for joining the fight against funding cuts. We will be in touch about the outcomes of the consultation in the new year.

In the mean time, we still need your help to make sure our voices are heard. Please forward this campaign to anyone you think might have something to say. There is a template email below that you can simply forward to your friends.

With many thanks,

Lara Carmona
Associate Director – Campaigns, Policy and Innovation
Rethink Campaigns

As you can imagine I have shared this endlessly. I just want to make you all aware about mental health issues. And hope this article has opened your eyes to the reality of these issues.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


mental illnss

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How Long Should Your Power Nap Be?

Do you ever feel like you need a nap during the day but then feel worse than you did beforehand? This has happened to me a lot. Sometimes on a weekend I can spend all morning running around, and then feel in need of a short nap just so I can rest for a little while before the afternoon; but then when I wake up I feel even more tired and grumpy for the rest of the day.

Studies have shown that a 10-20 minute nap is ideal for a boost in energy and alertness; and that this length makes it easier for you hit the ground running after waking up, because you are limited to the lighter stages of sleep, meaning you won’t drift into a deep sleep, finding it harder to get up and be active afterwards.

When you have a 30 minute nap, it can cause a groggy, hangover like feeling that can last for 30 minutes after waking up, before you can see the benefit of the nap.

A 60 minute nap, is very beneficial as it improves the memory of facts and names. Even though you will be in a deep sleep, you will feel the effects 30 minutes after waking up, with grogginess in between.

If you need a longer nap, for 90 minutes then this a full cycle of sleep. This means that the deeper and lighter stages including rapid eye movement, are typically likened to the dreaming stage. This means procedural and emotional memory and creativity is improved. Due to the length of the nap, it tends to be easier to wake up afterwards, and would not normally lead to a groggy feeling after waking.

So I would suggest when next taking a nap, have a look at these time lengths. Sometimes a simple nap won’t always benefit you.

Lies About Your Own Body

Should we believe everything we hear?
Here are just some of the things that we have been led to believe are true when in actual fact, they are not..

1. There is no actual cure for the common cold. It is a virus that is ever changing, and antibiotics will not help.

2. If you wake a sleepwalker, it is not ‘dangerous’ as we have been led to believe, it just confuses and startles them.

3. Experts say that we have at least 7 senses, and maybe even more than 20! So not the five that we have been told.
Two other senses being:
The vestibular system which explains the perception of our body in relation to gravity, movement and balance. The vestibular system measures acceleration, g-force, body movements and head position. Examples of the vestibular system in practice include knowing that you are moving when you are in an elevator, knowing whether you are lying down or sat up, and being able to walk along a balance beam.

And finally..
Proprioception which is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement. This sense is very important as it lets us know exactly where our body parts are, how we are positioned in space and to plan our movements. Examples of our proprioception in practice include being able to clap our hands together with our eyes closed, write with a pencil and apply with correct pressure, and navigate through a narrow space.

4. Some people say that hair and fingernails still grow when a person is dead. This is not true, and is actually rather the skin dying and shrinking away, giving the effect of growth.

5. You don’t need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, to maintain good health. The amount of water your body requires is down to your weight, activity level and environment. It also doesn’t necessarily matter if the water comes from what is put into your tea, juice and fruit & veg.

So maybe we shouldn’t believe everything we hear..

Sausage Salad Pitta

The other day for lunch, I thought I’d make myself a sandwich but then realised I had no sandwich filler.
What I did have was some bramley apple pork sausages.
So I cooked them. And then chopped them up into tiny pieces, mixed them with a little bit of mayonnaise, and then put them into a pitta bread with salad.
It was really nice and made a change from just your average ham sandwich!

Next time you want to make your sandwich a bit more interesting I would definitely recommend this!