Why Do We Say Bless You?

Here’s another strange post for you wonderful people.

Something I have been thinking about today, is why do we say bless you when someone sneezes?

We don’t say cough you when someone coughs (well I do occasionally if I’m a bizarre mood) or anything when someone makes another noise such as blowing their noise or burping.

So why do we say bless you when someone sneezes?

If I am out in public and a person standing close to me sneezes, then I automatically say bless you as I would feel extremely rude not too.

Thinking about it, this is really strange.

I have researched the reasoning behind this, and found that sneezing was associated with ‘illness’ meaning when someone sneezed you wouldn’t ignore this as it could be a sign of bad health. This is going back many years ago, when it was a sign to worry, but now we know that sneezing doesn’t mean we have to worry. For example it is common to sneeze after smelling a scent, as we can react to the particles that enter our nostrils. 

Now saying ‘bless you’ is just common courtesy, and this tradition has never really ended.

My Healthy Foods Of The Day

My healthy eating is really going well! I am surprised how easy it is for me to stick to it! I thought I would really struggle and be craving chocolate and sugar all the time. But I have managed to substitute a can of coke and a bar of chocolate for a sugar free carton of fruit juice or water and a piece of fruit.
I have been making the effort to make myself lunch every day instead of grabbing something unhealthy from the local shop.

Here is what I had yesterday.


As you can see I had a chocolate flavoured Weetabix drink for breakfast which is packed full of protein, energy and fibre! And oh my goodness it tastes amazing! Literally amazing! Along with a Tescos’s healthy living strawberry and apple cereal bar.

This filled me up for a couple hours, until I had my late morning snack which was a banana.
For lunch I made myself a grilled chicken salad, which was delicious!
I had drunk nearly a litre of water by lunch time.
In the afternoon I had a packet or orange drops (which are one of your five a day!)
When I got in I had some cranberry and raspberry juice, chicken stir fry for dinner, and snacked on grapes in the evening.
It really does feel amazing to know that your eating healthily!
Not only had it given me energy and improved my skin, but I feel like a better person. I feel happier and now look forward to my meals knowing that they are balanced and full of goodness!


The Real Meaning Of Gender Equality

Men and women have always been led to believe different things. The way they should act, and things they should do. Even how they should feel. For example if a man shows an emotion such as sadness, he will be told to man up or to grow a pair and that man will be made to feel abnormal for feeling that emotion, and be unable to open up and express his feelings in the future.

If a man was to fight for custody of his child then he would have to prove that there is something wrong with the mother, and that she is in an unfit state to take care of the child. Men have little parental rights. If a child is unwell at school and has to be sent home, then the mother is the first person that the school will call, not the father. Why is this? Each parent could be at work so why is it the mother that has to miss out on pay instead of the father? It is just a natural instinct that the mother is to be called first, due to the emotional and weak side of the female that we have all believed to be the ‘nature’ of females? The way they are? Men care just as much about their children don’t they? so why are they being put last. That brings me to my next point. Men have been led to believe that they must bring the highest income into the household, and that they should provide for their family. That’s not equal. Why are women any less able to work and earn money than men? Men can feel emasculated if they don’t earn more money than their partner and they can feel like they have failed.

When it comes to sexual activity, if women are less sexually expressive the men, then we are called frigid and uptight. Yet if we were to sleep with someone we are not in a relationship with then we get called slags or whores. But of course if a man has a one night stand or acts promiscuous then people look up to him like a god. He gets high fived by his friends and men act like he is a great role model and want to be like him. Yet women are seen as disgusting for doing the same. Where is the sense in that? Women are said to be more sensitive than men, and you won’t often see a man shouting at a women the way he would a man. Women are said to be more vulnerable. Yet if a woman shouts at a man or is even physically abusive then people would say ‘well the man must have done something horrible or started it’ the man would get the blame for the woman’s  actions, and would not be able to defend himself as it is highly frowned upon if not illegal if a man is aggressive to a woman. Women are much more self conscious about their body and the way they view themselves than men are. If a woman shows she is uncomfortable in her own skin, then she tends to get more support and is made to feel better about herself. Yet if a man is uncomfortable with his body, he would receive little sympathy and made to feel less macho for being self conscious. The truth is, we are all sensitive in our own ways, and at the moment we are not equal. It is said that a women can hold a grudge forever, whilst a man can just get over things. But do we know what is really going on, on the inside? Maybe a woman is seen to hold a grudge for longer and be more stubborn because she is dealing with her problems externally and has no issue with displaying her emotions and true feelings. Whilst a man could act like he is not bothered on the outside and play an act; but on the inside his mind may never rest, and he could be avoiding dealing with the matter in hand, making it worse in the long term. We are different. There are pros and cons for being a man or a woman but why can’t we be equal?

An Introduction To Motorcycle House

Good Morning!

I would like to introduce you to a fantastic company that I have just come across. Motorcycle House.

The wind rushing through your hair, your blood pumping with adrenaline, the tight grip on the handlebars and the sound of your bike roaring. Is that not what every boy has dreamed of?

Motorcycle House provides accessories and clothing for men and women bikers.
Not only do they have a website for the US, but also one for the UK.
Jackets, luggage, vests, saddlebags, and hardware being just some of the items they sell, they are becoming more and more popular.

They guarantee you the best price by matching any other verifiable price and also offer 24/7 customer service, including live chat! As well as free returns (with a free 45 day return policy) and fast shipping!

Men are naturally attracted to beauty and harmony. This means that if they own a motorcycle, they will be attracted to the best accessories for their vehicle. Men take pride in their vehicle, be it a car or motorcycle; and maintain its appearance to its absolute best.
By having the best accessories for your vehicle you add even more style and character that will turn heads wherever you go.

Most people would stereotype bikers with males. However the number of women bikers is constantly increasing, widening the range of accessory supplies to offer women as well as men.
Motorcycle House understands that riders, being men or women need accessories such as vests for a wide range of purposes.

Accessories are needed most importantly for safety and it is important that you get to know your vehicle and what you need for it to be a safe rider.

Bikers show uniqueness and style so why not check out Motorcycle House for the best for your vehicle!


I’m Just A Mouse

I’m just a quiet mouse, sitting in the corner.

Afraid to join in, scared to approach them,

I see them all laughing, and having a good time,

how I long to be a part of that, be like everybody else,

I wish I could join in, but the feeling is too much,

I cannot breathe, my heart is pounding,

what if they laugh? think that I’m strange?

They don’t want me with them, I am better off here,

away from it all, in my little corner,

I’ll stay as quiet as a mouse, thats the best thing to do.

Social anxiety sucks. Hearing people laugh near you, not speaking because you are afraid others will judge you, isolating yourself, always planning out a conversation you have to have before you have it, fear of making phone calls and answering them, eating in front of people, and making eye contact. It is all just part of a daily routine which seems like it will never go away. So many people suffer with social anxiety, me being one of them along with other issues. We are not selfish, we just never feel good enough. But you are not alone.
